If the items delivered are damaged or defective at the time of delivery kindly contact supersauda@leopardscourier.com or 0312-107-3699 within 48 hours of delivery for an exchange or refund. Your items would be picked within the next 48 hours and after due verification your refund will be processed within 07 business days via an online coupon which can be utilized on the Super Sauda website.
If you want to return your order, and if the parcel has not been opened then kindly contact supersauda@leopardscourier.com or 0312-107-3699 within 48 hours of delivery for an exchange or refund. Your items would be picked within the next 48 hours and after due verification your refund will be processed within 07 business days via an online coupon which can be utilized on the Super Sauda website.
To cancel orders, please call on 0312-107-3699 before your order is confirmed.
The company reserves the right to refuse an exchange or refund at its sole discretion without assigning any reason.
The company reserves the right to change the return and/or refund policy without notice at its discretion.